Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Consequences (Or Lack Thereof) of Procrastination

While my decision to visit Japan (for a third time) was made well in advance, everything regarding the actual planning had been unceremoniously patched together over the last week or so. In fact, I'm still figuring out travel logistics here and there on the fly. Plane ticket? Finalized it with less than a week to go. Greyhound bus to Toronto? Booked it the night before. A place to stay for the first night? Made reservations thirty minutes before checking in. While some may see it as recklessness, I find procrastination to be a way of life. Packing a suitcase that needs to last five weeks, mere hours before the start of the trip, is just that much more satisfying upon completion! I know many of you will disagree with me, but I suppose it's just one of my quirky lifestyle choices.

That being said, I fully intend to blog my travels this time around. Last time I was in Japan, I attempted to write an entry every day for my entire stay in Tokyo. I only made it to day three.

With my flight scheduled to leave Toronto at 2:05pm (flights out of Buffalo are expensive), I took an early-morning Greyhound bus to Toronto's downtown and did my best to navigate the TTC. It is here where I'd like to point out how disappointing Buffalo's train line is in comparison to Toronto and Tokyo. Since a shuttle from downtown to the airport costs $35, I opted to pay the three dollars for access to the subways, which proved to be extremely convenient.

After I arrived at Pearson International Airport, I was able to witness firsthand how much better Canada's equivalent to the TSA actually is! The fact that I was allowed to keep my shoes on during the screening process was enough to win me over, honestly. The airport itself was rather upscale, with lounges filled to the brim with free-to-use iPads nestled amongst numerous designer stores. I was able to watch a World Cup match with poutine and Coke while waiting for boarding, which made for a relaxing two hours.

My thirteen hour direct flight to Narita airport was enjoyable, although not particularly productive. Instead of sleeping to counteract potential jetlag, I found myself watching many of the in-flight movies (I FINALLY got to see the LEGO movie!), attempting to brush up on my Japanese, playing a lot of Jubeat (an addicting Japanese rhythm game), and enjoying the in-flight meals. Air Canada provided dinner, snacks, breakfast, and tea service, which just about covered eating for the remainder of the day after arrival.

And with that, I somehow managed to reach Japan in one piece. Here begins my five-week adventure!

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