Saturday, June 21, 2014

Harajuku Happenings

There are some places that, regardless of their status as a tourist attraction, somehow maintain their charm. For me, Harajuku falls within that category. As both the center of Tokyo's alternative fashion scene and the location of many high-end boutiques, Harajuku makes for a great people-watching spot (and believe me, I sure do value a good people-watching spot). Located right next to Harajuku Station, Takeshita Street is where much of the youth fashion subculture is concentrated:

Steam punk. Lolita. Bright, flashy attire. Purposefully mismatched socks. Backpacks with cute faces on them. The shops on this street sell clothing ranging anywhere from cute and unique to just outright weird.

It is also here that you'll find some truly peculiar people. Within minutes after my arrival, I came across an elderly man with a doll-like powdered face, dressed in a pink princess outfit and blonde wig. I, along with everyone nearby, proceeded to do a double take, unsure of what we just witnessed. Similarly, there are some elements of Takeshita Street than I personally find to be outright creepy, as is pictured below:

What, you don't see anything out of the ordinary? Here, let me zoom in a bit more for you:

This, my friends, can only be described as nightmare fuel. Once again, I digress.

Located mere blocks away is Omotesando, a Zelkova tree-lined avenue that offers fashions in stark contrast to those of Takeshita Street. It is here where many of the well-known designer brands have flagship stores, such as Prada and Dior.

Omotesando is also home to some non-fashion stores as well, one of which being the Japanese mobile carrier SoftBank. Interestingly enough, the store was currently giving demonstrations of a new robot, named Pepper, who is apparently designed to read and respond to your emotions. From what I could understand, the robot has a crowd sourced AI that allows it to gradually learn and improve over time. It's also kind of cute, Terminator worries aside.

On my leisurely stroll back to the station, I encountered a pair of adorable cats cuddled up on top of an electrical box of sorts. It would seem that the owner decided to take them on a bit of an adventure for the day, though they were peacefully napping while this photo was taken.

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